Thursday, July 7, 2011


The above link will give you the story. The below blog will enlighten you to the real issue.
Text ‘help me’ to I’ if you don’t like receiving unsolicited spam text messages and are incapable of solving the problem yourself.
That seems to be the message our government sends us every time we turn around. Are Americans no longer capable of taking care of themselves?
On the surface, legislation to ban unsolicited text messages appears to be a good idea. Nobody likes to be bothered with that type of advertising on their cell phones. And, as the article states, depending on your cellular plan, it might even be costing you money. But, delve a little further and you will see why it is an unnecessary intrusion of government into our lives and why this type of legislation is turning Americans into helpless babies who need their Nanny Government to do all for them.
This type of legislation reminds e of a commentary by Rush Limbaugh from just last week. He was discussing the increase in ridiculous calls to 9-1-1. You know what I am talking about. The caller who had her order messed up at McDonalds and wanted the police to fix it. Or, how about the gentleman who called 9-1-1 to ask what day of the week it was? Rush’s point was that, as the Nanny-State Government increase its role in our lives, people become more and more dependent. Citizens begin to expect the government to fix every problem for them just as a four year-old child expects from his mommy.
It is time to take responsibility for our own lives and do the ‘dirty’ work ourselves without waiting for the government to fix our every problem. We already have ways of making these companies stop sending the text messages without having the government to pass a law. In fact, the very article touting the legislation includes information on how to solve the problem yourself.
Anyone who is savvy enough to use a cell phone should also be wise enough to learn how to put an end to unsolicited text messages without needing the government to do it for them. Instead of passing a law, our representatives should use a little ‘tough love’ and tell us to take care of it ourselves!

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