Sunday, August 7, 2011

In his article of August 7th Mike Argento was attempting to bad mouth the Tea Party...surprise, surprise. However, Mike inadvertently related that the liberal views of the Democrat Party are actually socialist "values." He did that by explaining the views of "Independent" (liberal) Senator Sanders of Vermont as follows:

"Sanders is the Hugo Chavez of the Senate, a socialist, which means that he believes that government has a moral obligation to its most vulnerable citizens and shouldn't exist to make rich people richer. He also believes that working people and the middle-class have gotten a raw deal over the past, oh, four decades. He also thinks working people should not have to subsidize hookers and private jets for big oil companies, Wall Street thieves and the other masters of the universe who are leading us in a race to the bottom of the world economic food chain."

There you have it...Hugo Chavez is the hero of modern-day liberalism in America. Mike tells us we need to be more like Venezuela. The way to save America is to become Venezuela. You know the government that, every other day, takes control of another private industry in the name of the people.

Mike also wrote the following:
"What the entire episode proved is that the world economy has fallen into the hands of a group of people who know nothing about anything and are proud of that fact. Of course, we're talking about the tea party people."

Really Mike? You are talking about the tea party people? You are proposing we become a socialist nation in the mold of Venezuela and you think the tea party people "know nothing about anything?"

I guess it all comes down to what mom always said, "Consider the source." She must have had Mike Argento in mind when she came up with that.